Cap 615: The rebirth of the false hero part 1

I wait while High Priest Henry regains his composure to explain to me what they did to this false Hero's Soul to make him so enraged. 

"Did you manage to talk to this Soul?" (I) 

"No one could tell me his name, that's why everyone is calling him a fake Hero." (I) 

"I managed to exchange a few words, but what infuriates me is the state of that Soul, that Soul was deformed, forcibly strengthened and something was done to the Soul, they implanted something that shouldn't be there!" (Henrique) 

"They didn't just interfere with a soul, what they did went so far as to contaminate the essence within the Soul!" (Henrique) 

"All I could feel was a will to live, a will to be free and a lot of pain." (Henrique) 

"..." (I) 

"(What did the Church of Light do to this Soul?)" (I) 
