Cap 628: A meeting after 825 years

Pov Lilian: 

I was surprised that one of my students was among the captured people, out of all of them Horn 2 has always been the best when it comes to infiltration, that's because he is from the race of Demon Shapeshifters, and his ability allows him to change his own appearance, but unfortunately only the appearance changes. 

He was the most difficult to train, changing his appearance takes great concentration and mental discipline, and just having the skill is not enough, in addition, I had to train his observation and spying skills. 

I had to train him to be able to change his voice, and accent, change his way of moving and speaking was also very difficult. 

I taught him to watch his targets to learn everything he can before taking their places, I had to teach him to choose his targets well, that's why he had to choose targets that had some abilities similar to himself.