Cap 641: Zenos causes a Wave of Monsters part 1

Pov Nix: 

As a Spirit, I could feel the imbalance in this place where the World Tree is, I could feel the collision of energies and the separation of the pure elements. 

Just being in this place bothers me, but I know that if it weren't for my contract with the master, I wouldn't even be able to be here without getting hurt. 

It pains me to see such a thing, by the expression on Layla's face and her silence all this time, I know she isn't happy about any of this either. 

Me and the others are only here for one reason, to protect the master, what he's doing is something he didn't even know was possible, I know there will be risks involved, but he'll be fine. 

My mother always said that nature takes care of those who take care of her, she also said that she attacks those who attack. 

Plus she has two World Trees involved in it, one new and one old, so I'm sure the GM will be fine throughout the whole process.