Cap 676: One more step, my lady!

After we got rid of the monsters, I was surprised by the power of the arrow that contained all the power of Freya, Vanessa, and mine. 

I have to admit that it was an improvised experiment that worked very well, I didn't expect such a level of destruction, Freya had a lot of problems controlling the arrow's direction as she normally does, but as she had my blood, I helped her send this arrow to up just in time it hit that weird seal of Queen Melissa where the creature was. 

The explosion in the clouds was beautiful, those colored lights taking over the sky and scattering the clouds, it was beautiful, very destructive, and slightly scary, but it was a beautiful sight for something improvised. 

The wind caused by the force of the energy blast was so great that it made a chair fly towards me hitting my head, this momentary distraction prevented me from seeing the wall of a nearby building flying towards me right behind the chair.