Cap 682: Nicolas part 3

Pov Nira: 

"That's extortion!" (Queen Melissa) 

"No, this is negotiation." (I) 

"Do you have any idea what treasures Gregory Roux has amassed by stealing dozens of the nobles by his side? Not to mention the things that must have been siphoned off while he was pretending to work for me." (Queen Melissa) 

"I imagine a lot." (I) 

"But that doesn't change the fact that I have information to trade and you have items I consider of value." (I) 

"..." (I) 

She doesn't show it with her expression, I'm also not able to feel her Aura because I'm very weak, but Yomi felt the danger and crossed a wall to land on my shoulder. 

"How about in addition to the forbidden books, adding about 100 crystal cards?" (Ivan) 

"I think that's very fair." (I) 

Queen Melissa had dangerous eyes turned towards me and Ivan, she was very angry, but her expression didn't show what she was really feeling.