Cap 692: One punch and so much

We followed Lilian as she led everyone through the streets. 

"Did you buy this house using a different name?" (I) 

"Yes, I had to work for over two decades at this place, even before that I had to come back here many times due to certain aspects of my jobs." (Lilian) 

"Having a house made sense, so I bought one." (Lilian) 

"The house must have been abandoned for a long time." (Nix) 

"Actually, it has never been abandoned, there are three families who live there." (Lilian) 

"Are they your subordinates?" (Elsaris) 

"More or less, these are families that I saved during my work, I made a deal with them using the God of Commerce as a witness." (Lilian) 

"I understand, so they can't fail to comply with the parties to the agreement that will be included if they don't talk about you." (Elsaris) 

"Yea." (Lilian) 

"What are these families like?" (I)