Cap 773: Leaving the Navary Kingdom

"Huh!" (I) 

The next morning I get up next to Diana who has some blood running down her lips as she has a small smile so I put my hand to my ear and see that she is bleeding. 

"That's a bad way to wake up." (I) 

I get up and go to the downstairs bathroom, as the entire tower was reserved for us as guests, I hadn't put on anything but some pants as I was going to take a shower before putting on my real clothes. 

"How can I help, sir?" (creepy butler) 

"I... I'm... I'm fine, I'm going to... I'm going back to the room." (I) 

"(I think I can take a shower after leaving this Realm.)" (I) 

But along the way, I met a butler who was clearly stronger than I was, and I was very scared. 

What scared me was not the strength of this butler, it was the look of lust in his eyes looking at me so I ran out of there as fast as I could flying to the bedroom and putting on full clothes after using a simple water spell to get me to wash.