Cap 806: Use whatever it takes to win

Pov A Revolutionary's: 

Empire Arorus, Capital Arorus. 

We were inside a warehouse used by the food stall owners to store food carts and merchandise. 

We have used this place by bribing the owners of these food stalls to serve as informants and as intermediaries to pass weapons, money, and certain goods to our group members or associates. 

This place also serves as a warehouse for weapons and other goods, this made it possible for us to set up our base a little further away without compromising our potential to fight within the city. 

"Rafael, I don't know if we should use this, the number of deaths will be too high." (I) 

"I know, but we have no choice, this will be our only chance." (Rafael) 

"Why should you choose that, we could have chosen one of the other weapons." (I) 

"It won't do any good, we have few really prepared for combat and even among them, none would be able to fight against a Knight besides me." (Rafael)