Cap 814: Kidnapping an Assassin

Pov An Assassin's: 

But what was it? 

I was following them since the morning and I heard them saying about going to one of the Dungeons, I even heard the floor of the Dungeon where they were going, I went ahead to wait for them. 

But I didn't expect them to notice my attack, plus the way they blocked my attack demonstrated a level of power that made me worried. 

"Damn, they're clearly above Catastrophe Lesser Grade, the kid didn't even try to defend himself and still almost found me." (I) 

If I didn't have that detection item I wouldn't have discovered those lines in time, the decision to run was the best I had. 

Unfortunately, my plan B will also fail, I managed to lure that troublesome immortal Floor Boss, I wanted to lure them further into the floor first, but as I had to flee earlier than expected, I had no choice but to use the Floor Boss to divert the their attention from me.