Cap 934: Sharp eyes

I was in the Floating Ship's training room when Freya appeared saying that another Floating Ship was standing next to us and they are a Trade Ship. 

I followed Freya out while the others stayed in the room, Diana wanted to come with me but I thought it best to see who these people were first. 

I was still a little sweaty and in my training clothes, but I didn't care as I was led outside by Freya. 

As soon as I arrived on the deck of the ship, I noticed that there was another ship less than half the size of ours standing next to us. 

This Ship was completely made of metal with green paint, there was also a symbol of an open chest with a parchment and pen inside, it must be their symbol, I guessed. 

"This is Mr. Leonsio and his daughter Isabela." (Freya) 

"Nice to meet you, I'm Zenos, I'm the leader of this Ship." (I) 

"Nice to meet you, I'm Leonsio, head of the company Negócios de Ouro." (Leonian)