Cap 938: The Hero enters the battle

Pov Klaus (Moon Butcher): 

I was watching from afar when the creature appeared, I didn't expect it to be a Gatekeeper of Death, that would be a very bad idea if it was any enemy other than the Church of Light. 

I expected the monster to be almost dead, just as I imagined, the monster withstood the attacks and wore down the people of the Church of Light. 

But even though they have magic resistance, the weakness of all Undead has always been holy power and the element of light. 

"Just a little more..." (I) 

I had to wait for the monster to be almost defeated since it would be impossible for me to defeat this thing. 

When I see one of his legs get caught in space currents, I attack. 

"< Moon Killer's Cloak >" (I) 

"< Moonshadow Dagger >" (I)