Cap 941: Battle's End and A Sister's Rage Part 1

Pov Silvia: 

After my Father took care of everything with that summoning we took care of the rest, before Nix withdrew like the others, she helped bring everyone who was hiding in the first safe room of the Dungeon out with me. 

When we left the Dungeon we found Nix exhausted as well as my Father who we left lying in the safe room before leaving. 

When I looked around I saw the monster they summoned, it will be useful for the plan, but it would be dangerous to let this thing loose, but because it is a creature considered evil by the Church of Light, so they will not let it escape, even if they want to let the creature escape, that won't happen as long as there's someone alive around. 

We wait until the creature is dead and Klaus has gotten rid of the enemy commander who was the space element mage. 

"Are you going to join Klaus?" (I) 

"No, the Holy Son has asked to be on standby nearby in case anyone needs help fast." (Arthur)