Cap 996: Creatures of the Abyss part 1

I wanted to know more about these creatures before they got closer, fighting a creature I know absolutely nothing about would be stupid, the last time I heard about this type of creature was in the story Ivan told about his past and the way he his entire family died. 

But Ivan's explanations were very vague at the time, knowing that he doesn't have all the time in the world to think I'm going with some generic plans anyway. 

I use parallel thinking to split my mind into several different thought processes that I use to mentally give orders to all my Familiars at once directly into their minds. 

"(Nix, I want you to capture 3 or 5 of these monsters while immobilizing them.)" (I) 

"(Layla, I want you to test all the elements on these monsters and find out which one does the most damage.)" (I)