Cap 1047: War of extermination

Pov Light Templar High: 

These accursed Fiends went to attack our healers just as we thought, but their means are as underhanded as one would expect from this filthy Breed. 

"Templars, use Ground Light Wave now!" (I) 

"< Wave of Light >" (I) 

"< Light Wave > ×5600" 

I use my Aura as a signal of the correct moment, so everyone stomps heavily on the ground sending the scatter attack to the ground all together, this made all terrain on the battlefield. 

This move usually sends a wave of light to the surroundings to ward off enemies, but with so many people using this move directing it to the ground, it wasn't a surprise the strong earthquake followed by the cracks. 

"On top of us!!" (I) 

"Raise the barrier!!!" (I) 

They think they are clever with their cowardly touches, attacking from the ground and the sky at the same time, all of them are nothing more than monsters with humanoid form.