Cap 1053: The Plan of the Elves part 1

Pov Haros (Demon Dragon): 

It looks like they just wanted to buy time, I'd like to go after those damn Gray Elves to kill every single one of them, but we can't waste too much time. 

I look at Sarturi, he has a calm appearance, but the very space cracking around him reveals the fury burning within him. 

But I can't blame him for that, I look at the floor at my feet, just wood chips and an equally wooden dummy, I look to where Sarturi was seeing only pieces of wood. 

"You should leave that for later, soon others will know what we did." (I) 

"I'm fine, let's stick with the plan, but be careful, the Gray Elf King must be close by, the Elf Kings never abandon their World Tree." (Sarturi) 

"Yes, but I don't think he's here right now, haven't you noticed?" (I) 

"I noticed, but I thought it was in preparation for our arrival." (Sarturi)