Cap 1064: The Fall of a Dragon

Pov Stella (Spirit Queen of Illusion): 

I was facing the entrance to Nix's Dungeon, this Dragon's head looks a lot like Arash, at least it has many of his characteristics minus the overly aggressive part of him. 

"I didn't expect you to stay here." (I) 

"I can say the same for you, but I know our tasks are the same." (Lorraine) 

"Why do you keep Fairy Layla under surveillance?" (I) 

"She's not the one I'm watching." (Lorraine) 

I look at Lorraine, she's been my friend forever and she's also been friends with the previous Stella for millennia. 

"I'm more interested in Zenos, the Fae is already someone I can understand, she's a lot like my mother with the only problem being her immaturity, nothing a few centuries of experience can't fix." (Lorraine) 

"But your contractor is a big problem in many ways." (Lorraine)