Cap 1075: Battle in Chaos part 6

Pov Loki: 

Veronica and I entered this forest together, for me the distortion of space and the imbalance of energies was not a problem, my senses are still Divine level and therefore I can see everything much more clearly than the fool up there is able, the same can be said about Veronica. 

"Should we fight, help those in trouble, or just watch?" (I) 

"..." (Veronica) 

"I have sandwiches..." (I) 

"Loki..." (Veronica) 

"I don't want to deal with these corrupted creatures, the energy around them is worse than this pathetic presence of this Evil God." (I) 

"Let's help, Mister Zenos would want us to focus on helping those in distress." (Veronica) 

"You look like you still don't understand him, he would probably ignore all of them except his acquaintances." (I)