Cap 1079: The mountains of light fall

Pov Luminus (True Dragon Emperor of Light): 

Our attack on the Mountains of Light did not go unnoticed, but there was nothing they could do, the more combat-oriented Dragons of Light were alongside the entire military force of the Church of Light fighting the Demons. 

Those who stayed here were those who were too weak or too young to participate in this war, they raised their defenses against us, but that was the same as hiding in a corner with no way out. 

"Destroy everything and kill everyone who resists!" (I) 

I watch those under my command begin relentless attacks against the enemy's defenses, but this barrier will not last forever. 

"You really don't want my help?" (Lux) 

"That is the duty of those of us who are Dragons, I knew it would come sooner or later." (I) 

"You don't need to..." (Lux) 

"Yes I need." (I)