Cap 1082: Stepping up to combat part 3

As I was watching the Demonic Dragon being devoured I felt 2 things at the same time, one was an awareness probably of one of my Familiars trying to say something but I wasn't able to pay attention, a sense of danger suddenly dawned on me as all my instincts screamed that something dangerous was above. 

Before I even looked I could feel the energy of the pure Elements tremble for half a second which was followed by a deafening silence that lasted for another half second. 

When I look up what I see is a sphere of darkness similar to a black hole filled with rays of chaotic energy with various colors inside, looking down at that I could feel something inside me resonate, it was the destruction of harmony and the limit of Chaos, it was pure annihilation. 

But soon I saw space itself close in around the sphere of destruction as if crushing it until there was nothing left but empty space with nothing. 

"What was this?" (I) 

"(Done...)" (Karina)