Cap 1097: Do you have any idea what you did!?

I was surprised to be seeing this Cocoon now, but I really had forgotten that it had been in my shadow for so long, I always had so much going on around me like what happened to Elizabeth and Caitlyn, the Church of Light's attack on the Floating Island and the fight against the Creatures of the Abyss in the village of the White Elves, all of this not to mention the problems with the Elf Queen, extremely prejudiced against those who have Affinity with the element of Light. 

Aside from all the great things happening around me, I still spent my free time training, studying magic, or spending time with the girls, now looking back I think I was always taking my time way beyond what I should have. 

"Looks like I'm late." (Elizabeth) 

"I can't believe I missed his idiot face, you were supposed to let me know when Zenos came." (Natasha) 

"It was too much work, babysitting this cocoon is enough, I don't want to bother being its messenger." (Caitlyn)