Cap 1109: Magnus part 3

Pov Dragons of Light (Son of Rhaegal): 

I opened my eyes with tears marking my face once more, in the end, I spent the last 2 days near that calm river, for the first time in thousands of years I could have gone wherever I wanted, but I spent that time standing in the same place. 

"What is wrong with me? Why do I keep having these dreams? Why do I keep standing in this same spot?" (I) 

Suddenly not having anyone else to think about because they were all dead just made me think more and more about myself, the things I did in the past, the things I didn't do, the things I should have done, and the things I couldn't to do. 

On more than one occasion I wondered if I should have followed the rest of my family instead of trying to stop them uselessly as I did, but I could never bring myself to make a decision like that.