Cap 1217: Last Training

Pov Athena's: 

I don't know what happened, one day I was training inside the Dungeon, waiting for the end of the mission that Zenos went to help the Hero of Justice, I wanted to help, but I had nothing to do with the plan they chose to take, so I continued training, my strength level still doesn't compare to what my sister had. 

I heard that my sister is already dead, that she died fighting against the Black Empire, but I don't believe that she died, I can't say if it's an unwillingness to believe that the central figure in my mind for almost my entire life died or if it was because I lost my objective. 

All I know is that it doesn't feel true that she is dead, so I continue training to drown all insecurity, anger, and frustration with the sweat of my training, each drop of sweat taking me further on the road I decided to follow and that Zenos helped me with taking.