Cap 1235: Burn Demons, burn... hahahaha! part 1

I look around strangely not knowing where to start, as far as my vision can reach in all directions there are just endless ruins in the middle of a white desert, some buildings were more buried in the sand than others forming dunes between parts of the ruins.

This place was a complex area full of shadows and in the sky, there was what looked like a flaming head, it was burning in purple Fire, and yet the sky was green while the scorching light falling in this desert was not any shade of purple, none of that mattered meaning to me.

"Every damn place is stranger than the last." (I)

"" (I)

Before starting anything I create my Aura Relic once again, once again my blood leaves my body along with my Aura forming an illusory image of an Eclipse before returning to my body as a strange liquid energy.