Cap 1242: Diana's Complete Awakening

Pov Ragnar's: 

In front of me were two unconscious people lying on the ground, one was a teenage White Elf and the other a young Demon, above them an image of what was going on in their minds. 

The images above the Demon show him fighting in a ruined city against monstrous creatures with human-like shapes wearing white armor. 

"He really hates the Church of Light." (I) 

"Yes, the enemy he fights wears the armor of the Church of Light, but his appearance only mimics that of Humans, a reference to how he views the Church of Light." (Haku) 

"At least he's in control, his anger and hatred are directed, he's fighting well." (I) 

"What worries me is not his enemies, but the ruins around them, what does that mean?" (Freya) 

"I'm not sure, it could be a memory that left a deep impression on him or it could be a representation of how everything he believed in fell apart." (Haku)