Cap 1290: You are not a Goddess part 3

Pov Xagar: 

I turned my back to the limp body on the floor of what was once my closest friend, thus completely cutting off what I once was, keeping only my name as a reminder of my sins. 

I disabled all techniques and skills at the same time as the blood jewel on my forehead surged with large amounts of Holy Power. 

I hold my sword in my hands becoming the medium through which all this Holy Power flows into the sword. 

Cracks form on the blade as my Holy Power awakens the power that comes from other Gods, the surface of the sword cracks revealing only a red blade underneath made from the crystallized blood of Lord Zenos. 

"< May this artifact reveal the truth hidden before the power of him who bears the Blood of the true Gods. >" (I) 

"< Holy Curse: Eclipse Seal >" (I)