Cap 1313: Reborn fresh and serene

Pov Natasha's: 

 It was as I thought it would be, once it entered his mouth it only took a few seconds before it started, Zenos always takes things very lightly. 

 What he is doing may seem the same as what he did previously, but each Fragment of Divinity is unique, they may be Fragments of Essence and Laws from other universes or even from our universe, they may have lesser or greater functions, there may be contradiction with Essences and Laws that already exist in this Universe, may even be completely incompatible with our Universe or the individual trying to take possession of the Fragment of Divinity. 

 Just as I thought, the space has already shattered around him, his body is covered in cracks and I can hear the screams of his Aura with my Authority. 

 "If he wasn't so worn out and injured it could be worse." (I)