Cap 1334: A lesson learned through pain

Suddenly I was opening my eyes and memories of what happened filled my mind, I didn't even notice the exact moment I lost consciousness, but I feel from the condition of my body that I have been unconscious for at least a few hours. 

 "Get up boy." (God Hatlas) 

 When I heard this neighbor I immediately stood up looking around me, I still remembered the God of War's neighbor and now I was listening as if she were next to me instead of inside my head. 

 A bad thought took over me and when I looked around I saw many Gods, many of them I didn't recognize, which only confirmed my bad feeling. 

 I was surrounded by Gods, which tells me that I am still unconscious, each of them emanates a unique presence and I know they are Gods just looking, some were talking to each other while some were looking at me. 

 "What is happening?" (I) 

 "Preparation, see." (God Hatlas)