Cap 1344: Earning my reward part 3


 <[ His soul has been strengthened by absorbing [ Ghost Spirit Essence (Fragment) ] ]>




 <[ You used your [ Chaos Essence (Partially Sealed) ] through the [ Star Sword ] skill to refine [ Ghost Spirit Essence (Fragment) ] ]>



 <[ You have succeeded in transforming [ Ghost Spirit Essence (Fragment) ] into an Essence compatible with yours and consuming it to strengthen your [ Chaos Spiritual Essence (Partial) ] ]>



 <[ You have Awakened the [ Chaos Spiritual Essence (Partial) ] to a Complete Essence [ Chaos Spiritual Essence (Partially Sealed) ] ]>



 <[ All your Spiritual-type attributes and abilities are strengthened ]>



 <[ Your Essence has been Sealed automatically as soon as it completes until it meets the necessary requirements ]>