Cap 1350: Complete inversion of values ​​part 2

Pov Hernoth (Demonic God of Sin): 

 I spent 2 two years watching him just to make sure he wouldn't try to escape or look for his mother to disrupt my plans, Selene was always very protective of her children to the point of having already killed a God for causing the death of her daughter Natasha, which ended up causing her to lose the opportunity to become a Minor Goddess. 

 "You shouldn't do that." (Rosane) 

 "I need him, Demon Gods are not as united as Neutral Gods, none of us would also submit to others like those who chose to follow Baldr." (I) 

 "The only ones we can count on are the Gods with power branching from our own Divinity." (I) 

 "Are you worried by the signs of the Ancient Demon God's resurrection?" (Rosane) 

 "He was a madman even worse than my children, it was by following his teachings that I became a God, but he has too much ambition." (I)