Cap 1376: Take care of her for me

This place was entirely made of metal, a large room with small floating beds shaped like eggs, in addition to these beds there were machines that I don't know and a large entrance. 

 I was facing an angry Yntra as if responding to her anger her beautiful image was destroyed as her muscles grew to the point of tearing her skin, her body became twice the size with her head almost hitting the ceiling, and tentacles grew in Her back and head bones changed into an imitation of a Dragon's head giving Yntra a monstrous appearance. 

 Her fury was more than palpable, I could feel this place's rejection of me on a much greater level than before to the point where I almost couldn't hold on to this place. 

 "(This place was as deep as I could get before she started to fight back, but strangely she was very willing to stop me from getting here.)" (I) 

 "I see, this is the core of her will, the biggest pillar in her mind." (I)