Cap 1426: Brutal Fairyland part 10

 Pov Karina:

 "(I don't understand why not tell them.)" (I)

 "(Because if it's not necessary, I'd rather keep this letter hidden, this may not be the only wave of enemies.)" (Elizabeth)

 "(I also want to fight, I don't like seeing others fight while I sit around.)" (I)

 "(If you show up they will notice the reaction to the Power of the Dragon Totem in your presence, they will know something is wrong.)" (Elizabeth)

 "..." (I)

 Elizabeth is intelligent, her plans always have several layers and are not as improvised as Zenos' plans, but I don't like how she does things, as a Dragon I don't like being hidden, it goes against my instincts and I still don't dare to go against the plan when Zenos' safety could be at stake.

 I couldn't deny that having a secret weapon for an emergency was better than having no plan at all.

 "(Why I can never get a good fight.)" (I)


 Pov Hades: