Cap 1430: Faerie Power Source completed

 When I realized I was standing on the threshold, on one side there was the rising of the Moon and on the other side the setting of the Sun and between these two there was an entire world constantly changing around me as if parts of films were playing.

 I don't know how, but I knew the meaning of it, I could feel the passage of time in me and I soon noticed the marks of time on everything around me, the grass suddenly getting taller, trees that suddenly appeared fallen and the appearance of creatures.

 I have seen monsters hunt for food, I have seen generations of creatures be born and die, I have seen the rise of people, I have seen the creation of cities and then their fall countless times, I have seen weak people become strong enough for statues to be erected in their honor, I have seen nature rages, showing what happens to those who try to control its power, I saw people wage war, I saw more lives than I can count born and die in an eternal cycle.