Cap 1432: Sweeping the dirt into pieces

 Pov Adella's:

 This was one of the most fun days I've had, two requests to bother the same idiot, I can understand Zenos wanting to stop this idiot from getting to his Ki Source.

 That place is unstable as it has just formed, ironically the Ki Source itself is the place in the best state with the rest of the Star system becoming more unstable as time passes, even from this distance I can feel how that entire area of ​​the universe finds himself in a Ki storm, the space is shaking so much there, like someone who has been hit by the curse of pain.

 It will take a long time for that place to be ready, Oros would be able to cause a large amount of damage there, stopping him is self-defense.

 But Master Selene was much more specific, I just don't like just following orders, but since this time there are two orders together, it became wonderful since I don't need to divide my attention too much with just 1 target.