Cap 1439:The awakening of Faith and Destiny part 3

 Pov Xagar:

 It was nighttime and I was outside the Dungeon watching the stars and planets pass by as the Dimensional Dragon moved to its next destination.

 I was lying on the grass and sometimes I put my hand on my forehead to take the blood jewel, the words I heard earlier were still stuck in my mind.

 "Thinking about what Lord Zenos said?" (Fiona)

 "Yes, how can I not think about something like that?" (I)

 "I thought you would be more than happy to accept, you would have all the power you wanted, you would be completely against the Church of Light and in a position where sooner or later you will be facing the God Baldr himself." (Fiona)

 "..." (I)

 Everything she is telling me really went through my head, my hatred for the Church of Light was the only thing that kept it alive when I saw no point in continuing to exist, the kind of power they offered me is everything I could want, but these thoughts they didn't last long.