Cap 1443: The Heralds of Zenos part 1

 Pov Elizabeth's:

 "Aren't you going to help Aurora?" (Ynes)

 "No and neither should you." (I)

 I was in a special crystal castle room where a round table has an energy sphere that shows scenes from the dungeon, but now I'm using it to keep track of what my little brother is doing with his would-be Heralds.

 The only one with me now was Ynes, she appeared as soon as Natasha left, I don't know why everyone always ends up coming to me as if they knew everything.

 "That head won't be any use to her." (Ynes)

 "That depends on her definition of useful, she knows better than you what's coming." (I)

 "It doesn't matter if she dies, I don't know how she found out the location, but that place…" (Ynes)

 "She'll be fine and she didn't go alone, her sister is watching her closely." (I)

 "Besides, the head itself is irrelevant to her, what she needs is the unique Essence that that God had, you might get something out of it." (I)