Cap 1484: Focus of the entire Universe part 1

Pov Karina: 

 It was difficult for me to watch this fight and have to stay still, I am connected both with Master Zenos and also with the Dragon Totem, I am the Only Holy Dragon in the entire universe and perhaps that is why I have a perception that I am not sure if others can see beyond the God Akatosh. 

 The Totem's Aura was an amalgamation of all those Dragons linked to Zenos, a strong and complex Aura, the same can be felt in his Authority since everything in it is a physical representation of Zenos' Authority linked to his Blood Eclipse Dragon tribe.

 Zenos hurting his copy in that way hurts him more than anyone else, the blood that looks like the liquid form of Starfire coming out of the Totem is the accumulation of the power of his Lineage, losing that will weaken all Dragons under Zenos' health requiring considerable effort from me.