Cap 1496: Finally appeared

Pov Nicole's: 

 The information the Golems give me is really bad, the troops around us are what I thought for the most part with only a few real Templars around. 

 "(I'm going to get some samples to show Father.)" (I) 

 "The barrier with Tarzor is still there, but it doesn't look like he's trying to escape." (I) 

 "(That Anomalous creature won't intervene, he can't.)" (Samara) 

 "What do you mean by that?" (I) 

 I don't look away from the screens around me, I needed to control several Golems carrying out thousands of attacks per minute and also collect a large amount of information, not to mention monitoring the situation of my brothers and sisters, I couldn't afford to be distracted only with Samara. 

 My senses flipped over the body with almost no vital signs behind me, but the presence is different from normal, its Aura is empty, its Soul is not here. 

 "Where is your Soul?" (I)