Cap 1603: What's going on in your head? Part 2

I didn't have time to waste, the acceleration of thought lasts for a long time and like God I can stay like this for days before I start to show any kind of tiredness, but this acceleration of thought didn't stop real time, it just accelerated our thoughts far beyond the normal speed of time or our reactions outside. 

In other words, he and I are still moving, but the flaw in invading someone else's mind is not being able to command my body because my mind is far away. 

"(I need to know only 2 things, everything else is useless to me, I have to focus on what matters.)" (me) 

I look around and see nothing else about the Tree of the End, using my power inside this room I can do the same as the Dragons outside corrupting their mind, but this comes with the consequence of standing out like them which can make their mind focus on me. 

 "(Without this I can't control your memories at all... it's worth the risk...)" (me)

"< Unholy Corruption >" (me)