Cap 1629: That was my Plan

Pov Azary (Demonic Anomalous Dragon): 

I open my eyes when I feel that altar falling on us, that shouldn't be possible, that thing has never interfered with our hunts. 

"(Something isn't right...)" (me) 

I look around, there were 2 other brothers who were refining their personal universes, they didn't feel that gaze, so they must be at a critical moment. 

"Come!" (me) 

"Why are you calling us, brother?" 

"What happened while you were sleeping, why do I feel almost everyone inside the nest?" (me) 

"We all felt that thing's eyes focused on us, who would continue hunting in this situation?" 

"Then why aren't everyone here? By my count, there are 7 missing." (me) 

"1 was sealed, another is trapped in the middle of a battle and with everyone retreating, they must be in a difficult situation." 

 "He won't die, this universe is too weak to be a threat, that's why I wanted to join the main group." (me)