Chapter 3

"Maintain the ship to stay in the blue sea! We will be back"

A single boat coated with a high mana landed in the black island. The black mist surrounds them unable to see what's in the island.

Without the mana the boat would be melted cause by the black toxic poison in the water. They can't cover a whole ship with a high mana the mages would die from exhaustion but just a single boat is still much difficult for the five mages.

An eerie cold wind welcome them.

The mage cast a spell to disperse the black mist around them, just a matter of time the mist will disappeared. It means this mist is hard to wholly disperse.

"Approximately two hours and the black mist will cover back the entire island. That's all I could do"

"Scout Rangers go and scattered! Be back and report what you see."

[Kim Jong Hyuk]

[Title: Ruler of the Black Island]

[Holder of the Grimoire of Truth tattoo]

[You are now the king of the black island thus you will be the absolute ruler of all creatures living in the island. Your will is their will.]

Kim Jong Hyuk awoke and found himself in a tomb.

Startled from a gray screen appear in front of him.

"What the hell is this? Fucking ruler of what?"

He kicked the coffin open. His mind filled with so much thoughts and questions.

'Did i die? Where am i? A dream??'

Another pop up gray screen image appear.


[Now commencing Grimoire of tattoo please bare the pain for the tattoo session]

"Uwaaak!! Ugh!!"

Pain shot through his entire neck as he shout in cry. His veins almost pop out because of the unbearable pain he felt.

'This must be a crazy dream!'

A loud shout of cry could be heard in a distance.

A roaring black thunder hit the entire black island and creatures/monsters run in panic.

"Captain! This is too dangerous! Let's go back! That's not a cry of any other creature! It feels more dangerous than the monsters here!"

The mage try to convince the captain as they hid in the bushes from monsters running wildly.

Knowing that, the captain still wants to explore the island but he can't take the risk. Five of the precious mages in the Getsu island is with him.

"Let's fall back! Shoot the signal" the captain gave his order.

the mages cast a red ball of fire in the sky as a sign to the scout rangers to abort mission.

Suddenly a Red seven headed serpent spotted them.

Their breathing almost stop at the sight of the giant humongous monster in-front of them.

"Hurry-! Kwaak!-"

The seven headed serpent ate the four mages leaving only the legs in a snap of second.

3 days have passed after Kim Jong Hyuk's tattoo session in his neck was done. His neck is now filled with unknown red tattoo.

"Damn! What's this weird tattoo for? Made me almost fucking die"

he stares his reflection in a clear water river nearby the cave which the tomb was located.

A shocked expression filled in his face

'This face! is not mine!'

How could this be? Did i get reincarnated?

A young boy estimated fifteen years old could be seen in the waters reflection.

This boy's face really looks different from his real face. His original appearance is a scary bearded man with one look people would not dare mess with him. while his current appearance has a long silver hair up to shoulder and a very pale handsome face with pair of red eyes. in short a pretty boy like a k-idol from the south k. even his well built toned body before is now a skinny child.

"Who's body is this? This skinny shit child body!? Bring back my precious muscles and handsome face!"

Can't bare his anger he shout a loud roar that shook the whole island making the monsters and other creatures tremble in fear again.

A pop up message from a gray screen appeared.

[You used the spirit speech!]

[You will be rewarded with skill and weapon!]

[Not enough mana and strength! Cancellation of the skill reward!]

[calculating past life...]

[You are perfect with any firearms thus it will be your weapon]

[Lucky Roulette Guns]

-Spin the roulette and any weapons related to firearms will be at your disposal.

'Oh? Guns? Rifles? My precious collections?! Thank goodness!'

A shout of relief came to kim Jong hyuk's face.

Aside from beating up and looking down on people who can't pay their loans, Kim Jong hyuk's relaxing time is hunting. apparently his talent is shooting. A very perfectionist sharp shooter who is obsessed with any kind of firearms, He is the supreme leader's precious one and only child thus what he wants he gets.

Even making a Shark loan company just for him his father support him and approves it.

A small round roulette that has 10 numbers in board and a small clown doll appeared in front of kim jong hyuk.

"Pleased to meet you master! This weapons name is Roro i am a spirit residing the lucky roulette"

The small clown doll is floating and bowing in front of him.

Although he can't believe it there's nothing he could do but accept this reality in front of him.

'A talking small clown doll? Seriously?'

"Yep nice to know you too" he gave the doll an irk smile. Roro happily approached him.

"Please give me ten firearms to program master"

Ten firearms only? I guess it's because the roulette board has only 10 numbers in it. Well it's bad to be greedy though.

After a few minutes of thinking kim Jong hyuk excitedly give his best firearms to the clown and program it to the roulette.

"Please say this phrase 'give me a lucky number' then i will roll the black bead master"

His eyes twitch upon hearing.

"What? I can't choose a type of firearms i want?"

"Yes master. You're not authorized to choose because of lack of mana and strength yet."

'I see. Earlier my skill got cancelled too because of the same reason. Damn this weak body! Why did i not get reincarnated to a blissful body? Is it because I'm an atheist? Tsk'

"Roro! Give me a fucking lucky number!"

"Todays lucky weapon is~~ tada! Number 8! Maxim Silencer"

His face finally viewed a smile.

"Nice roll haha! It's one of my top 3."

A gun that has upgraded silencer not a single creak would be heard if you fired it, a good weapon for a quiet murder.