Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Kim Jong hyuk entered the room and sit at the vacant front, making everyone stopped what they're doing.

The class of deviants. It's a class full of scary and crazy delinquent students. They are feared by other students so students mostly avoid and not making any contact to them. But they all came from rich families is why the academy tolerates them.

In other words. A class for worst rich spoiled students in the entire academy.

"Is that a child? Is he lost?"

"Who's brother is it?"

Students starts to whisper at each other.

'Blend in.. pretend you're a normal student.' Kim Jong hyuk's mind is now set with that sentence. Not knowing all the students eyes are at him.

"Hey kid! What are you doing here?"

A tall dark man confronted kim jong hyuk. Range Gray. A duke's son and heir. Has a very rough behavior and anger issues.

Kim Jong hyuk just stared at Range eyeing him from head to toe. Anyone who saw he's gesture would be furious. A very long silence passed by when the teacher came in. It was the historical subject.

The teacher is a female in her thirties. She was known to be a very kind and approachable teacher. She teaches to the deviant class since no one volunteered. Though students ignore her class.

Kim Jong hyuk waited for this class. He needs more knowledge from this world.

Range smirked at him and went back to his seat.

"Do we have a new student?" The historical teacher glance at kim jong hyuk. Her eyes is are telling him to introduce himself.

Kim Jong hyuk stand up. The teacher's eyes are in disbelief looking at Kim Jong hyuk.

"A child?"

"Yuhens. Sixteen"

He then proceed to sit down.

A moment of silence filled the room.

"Was that it?"

Kim Jong hyuk just gave a nod at the teacher.

'He doesn't have a family name? Was he a commoner? Arrogant brat!'

Range clutch his fist staring at Kim Jong hyuk.

"Then, let me introduce myself. call me Professor Ann Holwa your historical subject teacher. I hope you will have a normal happy school life"

Teacher ann is sympathetic towards kim jong hyuk and proceeded to the lecture.

Kim Jong hyuk did not know that having no family name means he is a commoner. A very normal person with no status or whatsoever. And being a commoner is a target of the rich bullies.

Kim Jong hyuk looks at his seat mate. He keeps looking at his way that's it's really bothering him.

"Uhm, I'm laurence. A commoner too" introducing himself. Laurence give a bright smile at yuhens. Laurence has blonde hair and green eyes. A very pretty boy that girls would die for.

Kim Jong hyuk slightly smiled back. What he badly wants to do back when in high school is to make friends. All of the friends he made in the past life are fake. They approach him because he is rich and came from most influential family. Now this is a new chance for him.

Teacher Ann's class ended. and a break time for the students. Everyone stood up to go to the cafeteria except for Range and his group. Kim Jong hyuk is excited to go to the cafeteria and taste a new delicious foods. Comparing the foods from the past life and now. the food in this world is very superb and world class!

"Oy Laurence. Get us snacks"

Laurence nod and bow at Range's group.

Kim Jong hyuk was still imagining about the foods and did not see what's happening.

Laurence and kim Jong hyuk proceeds to the cafeteria many students are already having lunch.

Some students stopped eating after seeing them. They looked at Kim Jong hyuk who is wearing a dry rough cloak with disgust.

"Ah,, why are commoners here?"

"They disgust me. I'm about to puke"

"Are they gonna eat here?"

Kim Jong hyuk still mesmerized at the cafeteria did not hear the students irritable talking.

Laurence looked down and walked in front the stall and grab some foods to his tray. Kim Jong hyuk did the same as he follows Laurence.

As they headed to the table a student set his foot to Laurence to block him and stumble making his food fell over to floor.

"Ops! It was an accident. Or not? Hahaha!"

All students at the cafeteria started to laugh. Kim Jong hyuk paused at the scene. Laurence picked up the scattered food back to his tray as the students keep laughing at him. But the the guy who stepped at Laurence kick the tray from his hands and the tray full of foods from the ground was spilled at Kim Jong hyuk.

Kim Jong hyuk now stared at Laurence then back at the student. He looked at his tray and grab the fork at a sudden scene.

Kim Jong hyuk slammed the tray filled with foods at the student's face. Everyone stopped laughing.

"You dare?! A commoner dare!?"

The student is now filled with rage as he stares at kim jong hyuk.

"Damn caden looks very angry"

"That commoner is done for"

"He dares messed up with a noble?"

"Is that's Laurence friend? The new commoner student in the rumor?"

Students started to gossip at the scene.

Laurence is now in shock. 'Why is Yuhens making a scene?! For sure caden won't leave us again even if we beg for our lives. Caden Bergum is a noble. His family is related to the Queen so no one ever messes up with him.

Caden stood up and his group of friends to surround at kim jong hyuk i

"Was it an accident? Or not? Hahahahaha Damn kids"

Kim Jong hyuk's laughter filled the cafeteria. More students started to gather at them. Bewildered at Kim Jong hyuk's behavior.

Rumor started to spread at the whole academy about a commoner kid who dares to step up at a noble.


"That's not an accident but intentional"

Everyone stood stiff at the scene. Caden could not believe he got slapped by a commoner boy. His rage rose up and attack Kim Jong hyuk but Kim Jong hyuk easily dodge him. Kim Jong hyuk gives a disappointed look at caden and smile.

Looking at the fork he's holding he immediately threw it at caden targeting his ears.


Caden groan and blood burst from his left ear.

Everyone was frighten by the scene.

Prof Ann who arrive and another professor immediately aid caden.

"You! I swear I'm gonna kill you!"

Caden is now in berserk and tried to attack Kim Jong hyuk again but the professors subdued him. The other students also helped. Caden is rank 3rd class in terms of strength.

'Uhh i wanna kill this kid'

Kim Jong hyuk is calming himself down not to murder a mere student.

"What's this commotion?"

A black robe man holding a staff appeared.

"The tower lord?!"

"It's the tower lord! Pay your respects!"

Everyone bowed down at the man except kim Jong hyuk.

Beside the tower lord is the guy who treated him with food before.

"Ah! Prince Yuhens!"

The man immediately bowed at Kim Jong hyuk.

"This child?"

The tower lord faced professor lawskey.

"Ah yes, This is Crown prince Yuhens of kin island"

Everyone is in disbelief. Caden,laurence and all the students who looked down on Kim Jong hyuk was in awe.


A/N: i'll be using yuhens than Kim Jong hyuk name starting next chapter.