Chapter 124

Gur'kan looked towards the battle band members that were with him. He smiled, then the battle band members that were attached to their commander knowingly smiled back. They raised their battle horns, line up together, inhaled deeply, then blew their instruments. They emitted a very loud sound from the battle horns. The battle band members who were attached to the warbands joined in as they, too, blew their battle horns hard.

Since Gur'kan knew that the Skalsser Tribe is in turmoil among themselves, he had to announce their presence through the battle band. The sound of the battle horns was their call for challenge.

Inside the Skalsser Tribe, upon hearing the noisy sound of the battle horns from outside their tribe. The Skalsser orcs froze for a few moments as they stared at each other's eyes. Friends or foes no longer mattered, as they had the same thing running in their mind, 'Tribal Battle', which they must answer as a tribe.