Chapter 139

Xiao Chen was left again alone inside his tent to think. He needs to find a way to deny the centaurs and other creatures from invading inside his lands, especially the farmlands and the pastures. The annoying raids that kept happening again and again were starting to annoy him already as they just kept coming back, even if they drove them away.

The last message he delivered to the centaurs was clear, but it might not be effective in the long run, as the bulk of his army is not anywhere nearby. The Yohan First Horde, Ikarush was a few weeks' march to the south and busy establishing a foothold where they can recuperate and prepare for the invasion of Ereia and exacting Adhalia's revenge.

His brain gears started spinning fast as he tried to recall anything inside his head that could be employed to ward off those destructive creatures. A tenth of their livestock were already lost due to the frequent raids and more than a fifth of the crops were destroyed in the process.