Chapter 181

Under the cover of the darkness, while the leaders of the Ereian Army were busy enjoying the pleasures of the mortal flesh, two squads of Verakhs crept silently near their camp. They were the ones who have been following and observing them for days and seeking for a chance to sabotage or caused them some damage.

"You, the one on the leftmost...You, the one beside the one at the leftmost...You, target the one at the middle... Yours will be the one beside the one at the rightmost... Aim for the one at the rightmost... Marksman, take out the one who is dozing up in the tower and Bakrah take out the other one inside the tower." the squad leader of the Fourth Squad of Verakhs whispered to the ears of his warriors and gave them their targets. "The rest, keep your eyes open for any sign of our enemies who are on patrol." he glanced towards his other members.