Chapter 195

Darkness was already fast approaching when Khao'khen led the trolls back to their new camp. Along the way they met up with the Verakhs who were done stalking their enemies for the day and it's the other squads turn to monitor them.

Arriving at their new camp, Khao'khen spread his gaze around and spotter the concealed watchtower among the sharp rocks. He wordlessly headed towards the tower and, using his burly arms, he started climbing up the ladder, which was made of thick branches being held together by multiple vines and a few ropes to help to secure it better.

Khao'khen could feel a little lightheaded after not having a proper rest for some time, but he just ignored it and continued climbing up the ladder. When he was finally atop the watchtower, he could see the long line of Ereians entering their new camp, which was not far away from the forest of boulders and rocks.