Chapter 202

"It's a chance..." a voice whispered as they watch the conflict of words that is about to escalate into a full brawl. The owner of the voice raised his body up and started looking for a target.

"What are you doing? Get down!" the one beside him scolded as he pulled down on his arm and caused him to fall to the ground face-first as he was unprepared for the sudden pull.

"Just let me do this... It won't give away our whereabouts," he replied as he pushed away the hand that was gripping his arm. He brought out a sword which was similar to the ones used by their enemies as he turned it into a dagger since he liked its design but he never thought that it would be put to good use.

"Prepare to retreat..." the leader of those in the shadows commanded as they slowly crawled away from their comrade who is now half exposed as he aimed.