Chapter 235

Four days further south, the Warg and Rhakaddon Cavalry along the Troll Hunters finally have the towering walls of Alsenna in their sights but they encountered a small problem, behind them was a small army that was adamant in pursuing them. Their pursuers seemed to have mistaken their refusal to engaged them in combat as a sign that they were a weak bunch and are easy targets.

"Are they still following us?" Haguk suddenly questioned as his warg continued moving forward. They have been slowing down their pace last night since their steeds were near their limit already and it won't do them no good if their mounts under them would buckle during a battle because of exhaustion.

"Yes, chief. They are still chasing but they are now a bit further away from us." The closest warg rider to Haguk replied after taking a quick glance behind them.
