Chapter 292

While Lishtal remained where he was at in fear that he might catch the attention of the baron that turned into the form of a demon, the group of Khao'khen arrived onto the battlefield. He remained where he was and refused to move even an inch despite the many heavy footsteps that he was hearing which was coming closer and closer to where he was at.

Khao'khen surveyed the surrounding for it to figure out the situation on the battlefield but the dust that was everywhere denied him of that, "Ogres to the front! Skallsers hang back a bit before following after them!" and with his command the ogres went forward despite not seeing what was really in front of them. The screams of the hounds still came from time to time which worried Khao'khen of what might be lurking under the cover of dust but he trusted the strength and durability of the ogres which is why he sent them in first.