Chapter 321

After scouring the area for more survivors to learn of what actually happened to their camp for a day, Ounephes gave up after not being able to get any useful from all those that they have encountered, all of them only knew one thing which was that their camp was attacked by their foes and nothing more which proved that a fierce struggle didn't happen but his soldiers tucked their tail between their tails and ran away from the fight which further incensed him. He didn't know why but he got the feeling that all of the soldiers who were with him were nothing but cowards and upon thinking about the existence of the Ereian Royal Army, his disappointment with his own troops grew higher. "If I just had such troops under my command, then this shameful defeat wouldn't happen…" he mumbled to himself as he led the riders towards the small village to the north by the river to get themselves some much needed rest after being out in the vast open desert for a day.