Chapter 331

It was a fine early morning, the nocturnal creatures of the desert began to retreat deep into the sand and to their hiding places while the diurnal ones emerge from their slumber and began their life for the day. The desert was rather peaceful with just the occasional howling of the wind and the sound of the sand being carried along by its gust but in the chosen battlefield of the two armies, it was far from being peaceful.

Shouts of command, the thundering roar of the war drums and the marching steps of both armies disturbed the supposed to be tranquil place. Perhaps because of they sense the danger of staying in the area, the critters of the desert began to flee the scene as fast as possible.

The army led by General Trakaros came to the battlefield in almost full strength with just his heavy cavalry missing as he hid them far from the eyes of their foes. He planned to use the heavy cavalry as his trump cards in crushing their foes.